It’s like biblical times in a sense… Prophecies being fulfilled, people becoming more enlightened, aware & awakened… It’s weird even thinking that it’s like some of us have to converse covertly if not correctly then consequence… Writing scriptures through posts like the newest testament. As if God isn’t still speaking just as he did. Maybe we’ve been misled & convinced that none of us are worthy to embody divinity so ain’t nobody even listenin, Should that deem me as blasphemous.
Cast the spelling enchanting like Harry Potter slanging hocus-pocus, radical battle with the power of pen whispers in the wind, one love to live, dual spectrum of perspective. third degree oculus wide open. fourth dimension unfrozen, five light years ahead of time words potent, wrote sixth sense tuned to focused. Formation 1st chapter 1st verse, in the beginning was evil & the end much worse, let there be light so blackness inherited a curse. Light wouldn’t do right then the light was reversed. Darkness was released that covered the earth. Consciousness is deadly equivalent to reading in 1742 but it’s 2016 & the divide is which pill has been consumed the red or the blue?
Cause the truth though ugly at times it’s still is what it is factual & true, No matter what language it’s expressed in but only heard by a limited few & everyone else left is silent, numb to the condition or neutral. Invoke the Holy Ghost ten thousand tongues turned creative writing, art & lyrics, all through my body uncensored wisdom given in vivid premonitions. Lost my religion & found a direct link with the heavenly spirit. Key terms to acquired target determining the priority exterminations, deploy within the proximity precise universal position located, Commence the accurate order of operations. Calculated confined class blacklisted, lines flat reserved for our gifted. Lucid dreamers, visionaries, astrophysicis, philosophers, soldiers & Astralprojectionists.
Embedded architecture 256-bit Encrypted computer processing chips Intel inside with artificial intelligence. No loose lips remaining as perplexed as ufo ships. This dialogue doesn’t even exist. Subject algorithm analysis. Complete assessments include but not limited to conducted searches, views, c.o.d., g.t.a. logins, tags, likes & comments. Digital dna equivalent to individual gpa’s perhaps we should flex our chains… I am zombie I have no brain. What a time to be alive when inquiring minds are synonymous to hate crimes. Revealed only by the impulsive thoughts written in captions or quotes. Play smart & be dumb let know what they know. Hashtag this or that then it’s user exposed.
Concealed deadly weapon redemptions essence externalized through remnants of afrocentric nubian souls. The innocent blood of tortured slaves relentlessly rioting from the grave. Apples app store & Googles playstore has an app for an electro magnetic field application that can gauge their rage. Pandemonium in the presence of restless crucified ancestors, for which has been given shall be given back unto thee pressed down shaken up & overflowing in measure. Guilty convictions uneasy from feeling the pressure. Supplied us with hatred forever & aware that the karma reciprocated won’t be pleasure.
Initialize analog, cue the dial tone, formatting & secure hard wired connection being established. Reroute auxiliary power to the people assembly invitations only & administrator must grant access. Yes or No? Alt, Dlt, Ctrl end task. Hit enter, right click, open with command prompt, hyper text type injustice, “shutdown – s”, root folder, jailbreak bypass password success, backdoor, close all windows, exit the matrix, save download, press esc transfer file to underground railroad. Airplane mode on proceed off grid. No inbound data packets or outbound traffic, it’s where my mind went.
The hand is quicker than the eye yet think before we type. Dead zones ground zero for home. No network available out of bars length. Can’t hear me now? Good. This is no spokesperson for Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile or AT&T. The audible vibrations convey the frequency, interactive communication interpreted through esp & telekinetic energy. MXMK mentality & not Jax pulling a “Finish Him,” on Stryker flawless victory fatality. Natives of Eden, Pangaea pedigrees, citizens of Jericho, Zion society, indigenous family, Egyptian descendants of royalty, Kings of David & Cloepatran Queens, the prestige aborigines. Misplaced jewels of the most high majesty discovered in the twinkling of their shinning finally.
Precious stones of the Lord fully retrieved Recovered from the tyranny caused by these cunning thieves. Onyx, black sapphires & carbonado. His eyes on the sparrow, Orbital vision on the speculation of the children in the ghetto. In fear of a revolution with renegades & rebels. Silver back gorillas on a rampage through the streets. Primitive savage beasts on a mission of retribution won’t be no mercy for what they did to Harambe. Allies out of the shadows appears a prowling hazard. Petrified in the madness comes the rise of the Panthers finally gathered. Once separated now a unified species from the wilderness where they were scattered. Adversaries mangled & mauled by paws, razor sharp claws & gnashing of teeth devouring the enemy.
No sanction no peace just a state of police like martial law been declared & a political democracy systematically provoking the terror. Cannot refresh feed… Retry? Oops something went wrong internal server error. Invalid value or corrupted drive. Malicious software, terminate application, crash dump, system failure…