Greatness… It does not come easy. It is not given it is in fact earned. It’s a long hard way from the bottom to the top but if it was for everyone well we’d all really be rich now wouldn’t we? Everyone would be a winner, everybody would be a champion, every human being a genius but what would wealth really mean then, how would we determine victory, how would we define greatness & how would we then diagnose intelligence?
Do not be so wrapped up in disappointment with your misfortunes, mistakes, tragedies & failures that you forget to simply be thankful that you not only endure but survive them! Everything that we go through is in order that we become better individuals conditioned & built up in preparation for our many purposes in the times to come. This life is not for the weak hearted but we are all capable of being strong enough to achieve anything we decide to unless we choose otherwise. We were made for this & don’t forget that no matter what your struggle may be when you overcome the anguish of suffering then “Greatness,” awaits you. I’ll see you there… Never give up!!!
Matthew 23:11-12
11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.