A week ago as I left work I called my little brother in case I needed a ride. Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of the horn from the train in the distance so I had to go & told him I should be alright since the southbound was about to arrive. Took off with my comrades Von, LS & Ock about a block away tapped my card twice & was denied. Then switched gates almost missed the train trippin from initially entering a gate that was only good for the swipe. Rushed abruptly down the stairs almost four large leaps down two flights. Went back up two more once I got off at College Park station in a hurry to make the last bus pulling off for the night. Got off at old Nat & Godby from the 89.
A heartfelt thought said call your Dad to see if he needs anything just check to make sure he’s ok & everything is fine. So I reached him on the phone & he asked “What up,” once he picked up his line. I replied that I had luckily made it back from the grind. So since I’m out here already is there anything that you’d want me to pick up that you would like. He said he was cool as I stopped at the local chevron gas station & grabbed a few favorite goodies of mine. Ended my call & turned my headphones down low before stepping through the door outside. Double checked to make sure everything was tight. Walked my usual route & minding my business moving extra swift cause I don’t play around with the weather when it’s frigid as ice.
Crossed Old Nat past Bank of America across Old Bill Cook & noticed a Pontiac Grand Prix at Checkers similar to BRB’s still was not as clean as hers or as nice. It grabbed my attention for that reason being so I felt sad, lonely and empty incomplete to say the least because she is one of a kind. Thought about how it was then drifted remembering how things used to be, missed her, said a prayer to chase these memories out of my head because I didn’t want to be stuck in rewind. Floating by my feet crossed the street to the Wells Fargo where a gold 90’s fish bone style Pontiac Grand Am turning left & rollin 3 people deep came into sight.
Noticed immediately that it was awful strange the way it slowed down as if they were going to turn for the atm but rode the brake a bit still never turned up the drive. I wondered what perhaps it was they were contemplating & trying to decide. Maybe they know me from someone or somewhere but I doubt it so are these suckers on the creep or just lost their way & looking for how to get back to I-85? They went down to turn around so instinctively I slipped over to the opposite end of the road since their activity is too suspect & that move made for two strikes. Once again they go on by but I never thought to look & see what direction they turned at the sign.
Just listening to Pavilion Flux & motivated said to myself “Lord I can’t stop,” as I looked from deep in the shadows up to the constellations shining brightly in the sky. Hit Dummoreland Terrace & made a quick right. Halfway through the block got an eerie feeling as the same car was recognized. It was distinguished from the shape of the body & style of the headlights. Cruised slow, rolled on & passed by a third time. In the middle of the block about 7 houses away from my destination when all of a sudden from behind. The car stops & I was confused then out jumped an unfamiliar guy. With the tool aimed at my chest approaching from the passenger back side. Pointing his gun directly & saying “Don’t try to run now nigga,” but from the moment he uttered “don’t,” I already had been in stride. Zig-zaggging, & screaming “HELP,” up to the heavens with all of my might.
The most horrible feeling of loneliness & helplessness I could ever imagine overwhelmed me from inside. It was no one else around as I took off knowing that I was about to get shot in the back & die. Up so close & personal after a series of steps I jumped for the dirt & dived. Hit the ground a second & the only thing I could visualize was this dude too close for comfort busting bullets at me in the blind. Through my belly, body & one to the head fade to black simple as that envisioned in an instant the end of my life. Clenched by death briefly while truly terrified & convinced it was the end as a cold bone chilling, gut wrenching darkness entered my mind.
Instinctively jumped back up with an adrenaline rush so high! I couldn’t believe what was still happening in the midst of complete chaos somehow I managed to survive. Proceeded to flag down a silver dodge stratus for assistance but they kept going as they declined. Ignored by the passers by, not one neighbor responded, came to my aid, near a window, door or even flicked the porch light but dear Lord in heaven must have heard my cry. Spared by his grace I retrieved my fallen phone, ran fast as lightning to the house moving quick as my legs could fly. Beat on the door then when someone answered I explained how I had just abducted & apprehended by the types of cowards in this word with guns that I most despise.
I am blessed & very lucky to still be here saved from an unfortunate situation purposed to deliver me to my demise. All by the way of “His,” unfailing love, faithful will & the miraculous force of intervention from the divine. So I thank you God for being there as an ever present guide & protecting me when no one else is around to help or to confide. For coming to my rescue when I’m stuck in a bad scenario or caught up in a bind. Thank you for sending angels to watch over those I love & your precious son Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus Lord for bearing the scorn of the cross to grant me freedom & salvation through your holy sacrifice.
Isaiah 43:2
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
Glad you’re still here
Thank you D! It’s strange that every year around this time we’re losing fathers, sons & brothers due to someone else’s senseless acts of greed & envy leaving nothing but destruction, grief & long suffering in their paths to the families left behind. I was almost this years nominee but God saw it otherwise. Rest in peace to D. Moss & M. Hayes I’ll see you all again when I get to the other side.
I Praise our Heavenly Father for His UNFAILING Love 4 you…and all connected to you Robbie. The darkness has no where to hide because Fathers light flows through you for all the world to see the incomparable richness of His grace. You are His Love, His bride, His ambassador, His chosen!
We say with the angels in heaven today, “Look, we have done it! Through the blood of Christ and by the power of our testimony Satan has been cast down for all the world to see.” Glory to our King for His faithfulness!!!
A wonderful Thanksgiving testimony Robbie. Your glory is great because He wins your battles for you. He crowns your head with honor.
We Love u forever dude. Joe Black
Thank you & amen to that. I forgive the three perpetrators whose intent was to cause fatal or great bodily harm but Lord I won’t forget them & know now to be even wiser so I won’t be as vulnerable for your almighty presence renders me a threat heavily armed. I can only pray for the young minds out here lost in the wilderness trying to make something out of nothing. I understand the burdens of poverty. It has it’s role of influence on this society & even more throughout the slums & ghetto’s worldwide. Yet we are without excuse I wonder sometimes if we are all just confined, locked down, silenced & institutionalized. The way to be free is first to liberate your mind. I’d rather it be prosperity & peace. Less people dying in the streets over material possessions & money. The struggle is real but we can overcome to achieve our dreams by a better means than slangin dope, hittin’ lics, joining a gang, doing robberies & participating in other illegal activities. It’s true we have to do what we must do, like it or not, in order to maintain but never lose focus to what needs be done to change then try find your way to brighter days. We honestly do not have to choose to continue doing the wrong things whether that is to cheat, steal or take. Alone we are special, unique & vital to a higher purpose in which from a template of love we were created & reason we’re made. The power of people coming together far greater exceeds what we fathom for ourselves in the end is to be gained.