I’m certain you believe all you assume you can perceive about me. I’m not the right type, not good enough, too young, too old, too ugly. I’m too short, too tall, too dark, too light, too skinny. I’m too reserved, too uptight, too serious, too poor, too stingy. I’m too nice, too dumb, too compassionate, too weak, too silly. I’m too honest, too real, too committed, too loyal, too friendly. I’m too cordial to my enemy, too late, too hopeless, too unworthy, too naive. Just one, two plenty flaws too many. That is all ok for the moment if that’s as deep as you may see. Lord as my witness I thank thee humbly for those who stimulate my desire to succeed, ambitions of triumph & vision of victory. All the negativity sustains these charges of adrenaline & currents of endorphin’s like surging impulses of electricity. The more they provoke with doubt, resentment & envy the more dangerously close they invoke my spark, ignite my fuse & excite my energy. Underestimate, disregard & forget all you please. That just means it will be so much more a pleasure & honor once we’re acquainted appropriately.
John 15:19
19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.