Dear God in heaven,
I come to you today as a lost sinner. I am asking you that you save my soul and cleanse me from all sin. I realize in my heart my need of salvation which can only come through Jesus Christ. I am accepting Christ into my heart and what he did on the cross in order to purchase my redemption. In obedience to your word I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead and he’s alive. You have said in your word, which cannot lie, for who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I have called upon your name exactly as you have said & I believe that right now I am saved.
Romans 10:9-10
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
These are the words of my Grandmother who is 86 years young. I went to see her a while back & as we were conversing she mentioned that she had a prayer she always prays she had wrote down & wanted to share with me. I just want to give her the flowers she deserves while she is here with us. We’ve had a couple of one to one conversations lately & this is what she said “If you don’t take care of yourself then shame on you! It’s ok to help others grandson. You’ve got a good heart Robbie T but you’ve gotta take care of you! Don’t let nothing get you down. If anything bothers you put the burden in the hands of God & let people’s words go in one ear & out the other.” I truly thank God for her. For through the presence of him in her I have been blessed with a rich inheritance of talents & gifts. Love always.
I may not be perfect but was fortunately granted a heart that meets the prerequisites to adequately & selflessly love. Given that I understand this it is furthermore imperative that I take care so that I can achieve becoming the amazing person I am destined to be & with the best of me be of better assistance to those who most need me. In the meantime with lack or abundance I will lift up his name & reciprocate more than I acquire while living fully up to what I’ve obtained.
OMG… How can I not Love you dude. Your words are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for allowing us to participate in Fathers faithfulness through you…true fellowship. Peace, joy, abundance, and His love for you and all in your life open for truth. Joe B