The wounds inflicted aren’t the problem. It is how you treat the puncture once the injuries inevitably at times occur. The things that penetrate our innermost selves & obliterate us to our very core. They render a state of emergency due to adverse conflict internally appropriating stipulations to authorize the execution of open cardiac surgery. It is vital to our survival that we immediately if possible stop the bleeding ventricles by an application of pressure not that of physical constriction but that of an abrasive force in the acceptance of the obvious truth. Heavy is it to embrace the acute pain, long-suffering & stigma through the casualties of love forever lost alone in solitude.
It is recommended but not always conceivable to receive the attention & assistance needed. The fracture will require an abundance of strong solid support from compassionate advocates & plenty of positive reinforcement with nourishing counsel interceded. It is a must that one should induce a means to decrease the tension from remaining hemorrhages which in many instances may require the strategic severing of certain crucial individual nerves & coronary arteries specifically. It is a risky procedure of amputation that has to be handled properly. Carefully remove the remaining dirt, shards & splinters out of the aorta then a gentle cleanse should be performed to prevent any further devastation. Forgive the perpetrating party who impose these indecent infractions & cause such lethal lacerations.
Whether accidentally or on purpose healing may commence. The scraps & remnants left behind are like blisters, ulcers & open sores of sensitive tissue not meant to be touched for risk of the spread infection which could lead to critical & sometimes fatal illness. Yet we seek to sneak a peek remembering it’s presence so we find ourselves poking, scratching, picking & continually tearing the scab off reopening the excruciating anguish we wish to evade. For what reasons which compel us to do so in the first place that we many times do not completely comprehend nor fully understand why the worst case but these impulses are toying with swords to be severely cut by the blades, playing with fire to be set ablaze by the flames, holding a serpent by the tail to get bitten by the head of the snake or tampering with a live pin-less grenade leading only back to a necessity for more first aid.
Where we find that we’ve been abducted & victimized by injustice we lose peace. We only know that we love & many times those who love the most are those who are loved the very least. Look at how much God loves us but how much can we honestly say we love him? The lack of love therefore is like a deadly acidic poison inhibiting the empty void within. It is a discharge of rotten pus decaying in one’s essence where love itself is the antidote considered for treatment. Take your prescription medicine till it’s finished & participate in cardiovascular therapy until it is entirely completed. We ourselves have to look deep inside for the remedy to this sickness. A supply of passion that is unlimited & infinite. The choice is yours whether to keep it all or trust enough to freely give it. Time is essential to cure our affliction. The more we allow the gash to remain open the more our immune system is deficient but the longer we can patiently wait in faith the better off ultimately the condition.
Pick up all the pieces if you will & maybe let it go for a change. You may can salvage some of the millions of shattered little particles but there will be scattered fragments of yourself that you will never recover again. It’s scandalous & a shame that no matter how you may mend, bandage, stitch, bond or patch; It won’t ever be the same. Reanimated shambles of fabric jumbled together palpitating in a manner which is awfully strange. Defective from the former way it used to operate circulating between the vessels & veins. A tormenting tumor or a developing callous; enzymes produced by the body will help create the proper balance.
Synapses triggered in the conscious of the past divide like a scalpel pressed to organs utilized to dissect. They cause a rising pulse to the point that we may occasionally become upset but eventually there will only be a scar of what once was, used to be & virtual memories left behind that we just fail to forget. We will stumble & fall but get up, brush off the dust with no regret. Tend to with the slivers & slits with imperative concern but we won’t know how hot that hot is until we’ve been fourth degree burned so you live & you learn. It takes more courage let the atrium grow than to be content holding on to the plague of undeserved things we already know. Where hell only gets hotter & a world of beings getting ever more so cut throat. Those that we believe in have the potential to become extremely cold but it is when we are at our moments worst that God brings himself close & is most in control.
Psalm 73:25-26 25 Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. 26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
It is difficult to bear & I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else but I thank God for my lesions. They make me capable a sense of feeling. From the atrium I showcase the scars because no matter how it is they are medallions that narrate a journey of perseverance & prosperity to others despite the pitfalls. Even now I still believe in the power of love. It is the will in me that won’t allow me to give up. Only out of the endurance of calamity may the tenacity of one’s spirit be cultivated. The most colossal individuals revealed are often charred with sores. Very few may ingest the portion atrocious carcinogenic toxins in their cup & live to calmly construe to others what a taste is like but faith shall sustain the strong. Thank you again Lord for blessing me with the heart required.