This one goes out to all my delightful sister’s in Christ as a simple expression of reverence & gratitude for the glory in you. As brilliant figures of honor & hope I appreciate & adore you from the wonderful ways you inspire the world to be greater by your generous character, gracious behaviors & compassionate dynamics. Your internal beauty is not only reflected externally but most importantly eternal. May you be exalted & the Lord bless you always. Peace, happiness & love be with you.
Proverbs 31:30
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
This was given me out of pain & pleasure by a very special, dear & close to heart friend through the anointing of the spirit. Enjoy your special day pumpkin. Thank you for your imposed will Lord. Till I see you again take care. I love you & God loves you too!