Father keep me humble… There is yet much work to do… Let my eyes remain focused on you hence in essence I may become a better me to serve you & your people. Lord I… I’m selfish… I have these ideas, dreams, plans, ambitions & hopes of how wonderful I would like my life to be… God forgive me cause I ain’t perfect you show me favor when I don’t even deserve it with a miraculous shooting star flying through the sky he replied my child don’t you worry about it the best you shall fulfill my very purpose. Just be the best Robric even when nobody else thinks twice to take notice. No one but you Lord know the full depth of my troubles. I could not begin to make others understand my struggle but I know there are far greater things going on in the world & in the end you desire the best for me. When things seem to be the worst you’re preparing something extraordinarily wonderful.
Ye shall walk through the valley without fear of death for I trust in you with all my heart as you establish a secure foothold while guiding my each & every calculated step. Why should I stress about loss & having less beholding a future of abundant blessings from a designated agenda promised as it was written for precious treasures awaiting me stored up in the 3rd heaven. Trying to understand simply searching for answers constantly pondering questions, these crazy challenges, relentless adversity & options of lesser evils keep me guessing but to him whom much is given much is expected. Engage the tests until I’ve learned the lesson. In all the misery endured & the darkness of my distorted perception Father I ask that you allow my hope to remain in you & that I remember you always in all that I do so many will receive your message. May I not be distracted by my own grief nor hindered by the sufferings of this life. Mistakes will be made, failures will be encountered & affliction is inevitable but that’s all just a part of the experience.
There is no glory that can exist without sacrifice. There are no known men considered worthy of being great warriors who haven’t survived great battles & overcome even greater wars. There will be blood, sweat & tears. Yes even some scars will be left behind as medallions of bravery, heroism & remnants of victory during the difficult times but nothing considered honorable, praiseworthy or excellent is ever achieved by mere insignificant acts, idly standing by or without the presence of extreme suffering. By hope in weakness we are brought to you close. By faith you strengthen us. By love we are healed. Our strengths then become the talents of your good nature, grace & glory. It is your name through all exalted.
Psalm 27:1-3
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked advance against me
to devour[a] me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident.