It’s funny how God shows up in the darkest corners. He takes our greatest weaknesses and utilizes them for our greatest strengths; that is if you allow his spirit which dwells within you to. We never really stop to think that our customs would lead to saving someone else’s life. We would never imagine that our sin would lead to God’s grace and our iniquities, infirmities & afflictions would lead to His glory. I’m not perfect but I try the best I can to do right for Him above who is worth it. Please don’t get it twisted, my flesh, it is weak, there are several things wrong that I ought not do just like you. My heart, it is vulnerable, so I feel some things I ought not feel & I’m capable of bleeding too. The eyes see some honorable things but several others I ought not view. The ears hear so many lies I often just should not listen to. The tongue says many things I speak but not every motive is of which I should pursue. There is no way I can live it flawless but there is nothing wrong with striving to bear good fruit.
Who me to be the greatest? Who me be a leader? Who me to be a mentor? Who me be a teacher? Who me to be right? Who me be a preacher? Who me to be true? Who me to be a dreamer? Who me to be made to keep you? Who me to be a thinker? Who me to be able to reach ya? Who me to be a believer? Who me to be a role model? Who me to be an exalted achiever? Who me to be stricken by these cravings & various obsessions? Who me to be a mind reader? Who me to be favored? Who me to be broken? Who me to be a prophet? Who me to be chosen? Who me to be creative? Who me to be artistic? Who me to be humbled? Who me to be autistic? Who me to be in a world of sin? Who me to be authentic? Who me to be so blessed? Who me to be working through the talents of my spirit? Who me to be of such little faith? Who me to be so gifted? Who me to be pleasing in your eyes for your highness sake? Who me to be a little bit different? Who me to be an answered prayer? Who me to be the reason your precious name is lifted? Who me to be a light? Who me to be radiant in all the darkness given? Who me to be delivered? Who me to be strong enough to resist suggestions from whom you cursed to slither? Who me to be a living legacy? Who me to be a breathing testimony of proof? Who me to be a voice? Who me to be the one to be quiet & simply listen? Then the good Lord responded whispering in the wind “Yes my child, you!”
Can you hear me now?…
No matter what it is, who you are, where you’re at or how things appear to be. Do not lose heart. There IS still hope! Don’t worry for that is only a useless emotionally fatal cancer of the mind. When things become too crucial & far beyond your control take care of yourself & do the best that you can with what have knowing that something good IS on it’s way. It’s not always the way we may want or when we might want but all good things come to those that have faith. It is important that we do all we can to prepare ourselves for those blessings. If it is happiness we seek then be happiness, if we want to be blessed in abundance then be an abundant blessing, if we want love then be love. Most of what we most seek & desire is which we must first be. Everything is within reach but if your cup is already full you can’t afford to handle having anymore added to it until you work with what you already have. Otherwise you risk the chance of wasting an overflowing glass on yourself & everyone else closest around you. Give it away, let it go, consume the pain but don’t allow it to consume you or whatever you have to do but get rid of the extra weight that bears down upon you. Just have faith the devil has already been defeated & please don’t forget that! Whom shall we fear? The beast is great but the power of the force within us is considerably more prominent than the contempt of this realm. I leave this one seed that shall feed many helping those in need for with it many shall plant from it & reap the harvest of prosperity whether several or few it will multiply & increase infinitely.
Hebrews 13:1-8 13
1 Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. 4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. 5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
6 So we say with confidence,
7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Well said.
Words spoken as if they where coming from our King! “Everything is within reach but if your cup is already full you can’t afford to handle having anymore added to it until you work with what you already have.” Your awesome my friend.
Peace, strength, healing, and love 4 u and all connected to you. Joe
Thanks. I really appreciate the support.