I bet I give the Devil sure reason to sweat leaving him shook when I handle the word correct. Once I connect. I would certainly suspect it makes him so upset. It’s no wonder there’s full force assault advanced on my heart hoping that fall into immediate cardiac arrest. Torment Beelzebub with the power of love & light professed like such an annoying nuisance or pest with good reason to be concerned from the pressure levels of my spiritual threat. Prepared & dressed in the full armor of God more impervious than a Teflon vest. Feet firm in the dirt on enemy turf equipped & ready covered from toe to neck. Salvation of Christ around my head & shoulders to suffice as my helmet, double edged sword of the word & spirit wielded accurately enough to dissect the immorality & evil things the good Lord perceives as grotesque. Strapped with the belt of truth secured around my waist & shield of faith raised in place to protect from the flaming arrows of lies & hollow tip bullets that it deflects. Invest in a divine state of mind empowered from the compassionate desires deep within that manifest.
Invoke the Holy Ghost plus a double dose from the souls of 2Pac & Biggie in their prime back in the flesh. A mix with the essence of MLK & the courageousness of Malcolm X. Appreciation, gratitude & honor to these prestige yet meek subjects. Who persevered through the struggle rather than chose the alternative option available to select. You have from me the highest degree of homage & my total respect. I’m humbled to be a weapon of God by example of loving grace & excellence through the passion in participation deeply expressed. Conveyed by the actions of a warrior’s vigorous heart pounding strong inside my chest. It’s been broken, burned & bruised but still no defect. Just the slight challenges of an adverse type of side affect. Nonetheless hence forth I developed a serious endurance complex to sustain the pain of truth that is difficult for most to digest. So with every calculated step until I exhale my absolute last breath I’m doing my absolute best. As long as what I do my esteemed almighty majesty in heaven is pleased with me & highly impressed. There’s nothing in this world I cannot obtain through the power of patience, petition, prayer & thanksgiving for my requests.
Come all this way through too many storms, struggles & sufferings to allow myself to accept or settle for less. What else could one expect? So I resist as many temptations as possible of wickedness. Take up my cross daily, pray & reflect to relinquish my spirit synchronize the mind & alleviate the guilt removed from my consciousness. Then exorcise these demons away from my presence with love in life versus their hatred in death, sending Lucifer’s rebuked rejects all the way back to the darkness of the depths. Receive forgiveness for all the committed sins of my nature I verbally confess. Then suppress my many ambitions of selfishness & pass these tests with such finesse. With the freedom that there is in Christ it’s no regrets. The mercy & benevolence received is so elegant that my strength & will isn’t measured in riches or how many material objects that I might possess. Nothing relevant except my failures turned from misfortunes into success & misery turned to happiness.
Take the good as much with the bad & forget the stress. Against all odds of the impossible & different difficult obstacles that moving forward is hard pressed. With God I am unstoppable learn the lessons & keep on smiling with a hunger to make more progress. The reason being I’m just too blessed & the power lies in faithfulness even through situations & circumstances of hopelessness. He is my rock, my foundation, my refuge, my shelter & my fortified fortress. So get right or get left. Don’t know why Satan even wanna try me. Just get behind me! I’m God-bodied from the essence of love deposited inside me with Jesus walking right here beside me. He always guides me & everything he does is done precisely with the purpose of his will & perfect timing. So the place where you might find me may be the desert or the shadow of valley stepping by faith blindly. Strugglin but I ain’t worried bout nothin or nobody because wherever I go I know that Gods got me. No matter how many times I’ve fallen I just continue climbing. Get back up again & keep on trying. Hope you see this little light of mine inside thee then you recognize the glory of God shining.
Mark 3:26 And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.
This actually began as a song that I had started writing earlier this year but it transformed into what you see. I wrestled back & forth on whether or not to release it because I didn’t want anyone to steal it from me but the way I see it God blessed me with the words to say so they could be shared with the world so if anybody wants to share it by whatever means that must be. It doesn’t matter if my name is on it I don’t care about getting credit or fame true story. I realize that nobody can take what belongs to God. It is all “His,” property & “His,” material so to him be all the power & the glory. Amen.