Love is misinterpreted & appears to be foolish nonsense to those who don’t understand it most times. We think we suffer only as consequence to our actions or means of harsh punishment for our iniquity but what we don’t realize is that the challenges of despair & misery only break us if we allow them to. The principle of the affliction pending your perspective is a hindrance to keep us away from God or an incentive so that we might come to know God in a more personal intimate way. You see it is very rare that we remember how blessed we truly are or act accordingly when we are blessed because we’re too preoccupied enjoying the blessing & forgetting about where it all comes from. Once we are bought to a point that we may settle down is when we often times think to give thanks for what we have but we ought to give praise & gratitude 1st & foremost.
Biblical times are not really much different than this new age when you think about it. Perhaps more wicked & sinister now but our ambitions are the same. Then we were either blaming Jesus & hardly ever recognized his presence whilst he was with us, walking among us, in the flesh or we hoped & believed in the motives & desires for what we wanted, needed & thought that he might could do for us. All before trying to conceive what we can do for him. Although he is with us all the time we usually only distinguish Him in retrospect after He is already gone. It is not until we actually have to experience the anguish of life felt from loss, failure, heartbreak, tragedy, disappointment & grief that we turn to God. How many times then either way do we really engage with God as we should? To be selfless in our prayers as well as generous with our time, talent & treasure. I think a lot of times we’re so focused on our own self interests that we inadvertently neglect God who is worthy of our praise & everyone else who deserves to receive the love we have. A lot of times we’re too busy accusing him for our deficiencies instead of thanking him for whatever we have.
It is difficult but I laugh at my pain. Why? Well I understand that the more I hurt the closer I get to God. The more I love the more I see God. The more I feel I’m missing the more I turn to find God, the more I participate the more I please God. It is very hard to believe that everything is going to be ok when your own world appears to be collapsing around you. It seems foolish & insane to be aware of the fact that the depth of your love is cause to the magnitude of your struggle yet you find yourself with the will to love. The truest test of faith is when all is troublesome, impossible & life is hopeless by the standards of the world but you are able to trust that promises the Lord has made will be fulfilled by His grace. It is the demonstration of a higher power in stepping out into the unknown, keeping our eyes open dilated & focused in the darkness. Standing firm with courage to the things upon which we fear & are most afraid of. Loving enough to do the right thing even if the right thing hurts.
When we can manage to endure the discomfort of hardship & let God be our guide without so many doubts or the emphasized conveyance of distress we express in this life from the burdens of madness. We emit an infectious force of strength that inspires the masses.
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.