Had a surprisingly amazing night with some of the most marvelous people that a person could encounter. Even ended with a shooting star that I closed my eyes & made a wish upon. Sometimes you really have no idea how really wonderfully special & beautifully made you are or can be to the world. The contingency of our lives, how they are intertwined & the impact we make in the universe. Lord thank you for allowing me a little peek to see & thank you for the light, life & love that you use through me. Thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to participate & to be. Thank you for those that have perceptible ears willing to hear, intuitive eyes open to see, receptive hearts vulnerable to recieve & hopeful souls compelled to believe. Thank you for a voice for my gift & an audience of witnesses behold thee. Thank you for family, friends, associates & enemies. Thank you for your son. Thank you for “His,” sacrafice. Thank you for your spirit. Thank you for your truth. Words cannot completely convey my appreciation but my magnificent, impeccable, glorious love. Thank you!