Prayers for George Welsh and Family
Please pray for our brother George Welsh. His mother passed on October 30th. George will be traveling to Mississippi and will return next week.
Please pray for our brother George Welsh. His mother passed on October 30th. George will be traveling to Mississippi and will return next week.
Thank you for your prayers. Mrs Battle is doing a little better.She has been moved to Southern Crescent Hospital Specialty CareIn room #660 on the 6th floor. Phone #770-909-2660P.SDon’t stop the prayers!!!!!Your sister in Christ Wanda HarrisonPhone Number: 678/294-0663 ****** 10/11/13 Wanda’s mother had surgery earlier this week and is having another today because of complications. Please … [Read more…]
Name: Ellen QuinonesEmail: ellenquinones@gmail.comI am a sister in the Charlotte church. My mom is very ill and my sister has been taking care of her. They live in Duluth, GA. She went from walking to not being able to walk at all. My sister has been stressed and haven’t been able to sleep. We are … [Read more…]
A Thank You card was received earlier this month from Felishia Walker and it reads: To: The Compassionate Care Team and My AMCC Family From: Felishia Goodwin and her mother, Linda Walker Family, My mother was extremely encouraged by your card. She called me to share her happiness. As the day approached, she read the … [Read more…]
Dear Disciples of Christ Jesus Our Lord- Please Pray for Deborah McCalman and her family, they just lost their Aunt Vivian unexpectedly. Please pray that God will send them comfort and all that they need at this time. Deborah thanks you in advance for your prayers.
Please join me and pray for KAIROS Weekend #15 at Lee Arrendale S.P. on October 31-November 3, 2013. Your prayers are always an encouragement to the Administration, Chaplains, Employees, and Residents and their Families. Please go to the website if you wish to add your name: Thank you in advance for all of your … [Read more…]