Update Seya Family

hi everyone!! I’m sorry that Pierre will miss our Macon brothers and sisters as he is scheduled to return home on August 16th(YAY!!!*:D big grin)but Crys and I will be home August 10th, Lord’s willing, and I look forward to that special time of fellowship! I don’t know if you’ve been able to be in … [Read more…]

Prayer Request

Please pray for the Harrington family as they mourn the loss of Tammy’s grandmother, Ms. Hattie Hayes, who passed earlier Thursday, March 21st. Ms. Hayes was the mother of Tammy’s mom, Mrs. Hattie Mason. Thanks, Bertha James Harrington Family Group

Daniel Moses

Please Sign the Petition to find Sheila Moses’ brother Daniel Family, Friends and Supporters of Our Effort: As many of you know, our brother Daniel McCoy Moses has been missing since June 16, 2011. For months, we’ve requested that the FBI join the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation in the search for Daniel. To … [Read more…]

Prayers for Brittany

Brittany Black was taken to North Fulton Hospital’s emergency room on Saturday for chest pains. They did blood work and found that her triponin levels were abnormally high so, they performed a battery of tests. They still could not determine why she was having chest pains and performed a heart catherization. They found no blockages … [Read more…]

Prayer for McCalman’s

Deb went to the hospital to give birth to their daughter a few weeks ago. She tested for toxemia. She asked that we pray for a safe delivery, healthy baby, quick healing, and favor with the doctors, nurses and staff. Although her hopes were to deliver naturally, she had a c-section. It has been reported … [Read more…]

Prayers for Ian

Pierre and I went to visit Ian in Jackson, Miss. last weekend! He is doing much better, especially physically and mentally he is making progress as well but his brain was seriously injured so that may take a little time…but he is out of the coma and he can talk and he seemed to know … [Read more…]

Prayers for Evan Pope

Please pray for Evan. She will be undergoing surgery tomorrow morning (12/14/12). Mike/Shelly -“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you, he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22