Urgent Prayers for Geraldine

Geraldine apparently had a rupture in her stomach that caused the loss of blood and she had to get quite a bit of blood. Unfortunately, she had lost her job as a result of the incident – so there was an out pouring of prayers through the AMCC family! God is faithful! Geraldine says, “Thank … [Read more…]

Immediate & Persistent Prayers Needed

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please continue to pray for ABLE God is hearing and answering our prayers-they caught one of the guys and warrants out for the other. We’ll keep you posted. *************************** Please PRAY for ABLE and her family again today. Please pray that if they have to sedate her for her to heal … [Read more…]

Prayers for Gary Brown

From Rena Brown To All Who are Concerned, My husband, Gary Brown is right now being admitted to Kennestone Hospital for a Lower Outer Side Right Foot Diabetic Ulcer. Please pray for him and our family as we approach his 50th birthday tomorrow. His spirits are a bit low as we have waited more than … [Read more…]

Prayers Requested

Prayers for Robynne Brown and her family, her grandmother passed on Tuesday. ************************ Prayers and Congratulations for Phil and Vera. Gabriella Marie has arrived – 6lbs 15oz! Mom and baby are doing well.

Prayers for Phil & Vera

Phil reported that Vera will be induced this Sunday evening. Please pray for Vera, baby, Phil and kids.

Prayers Requested

Hi Fawn, this is kwana, The surgery went well with my mom. but they had to keep her an additional day due to low iron, they will be bringing a nurse home with her on thurs july 4th, to change out her port device. we will know the results of the lumpectomy at that time. … [Read more…]

Update for Camille’s Mom

Great News! Camille has reported that her mom is finally on the mend and recovering well. Please pray for Camille as she travels to visit her mom and for her plans to bring her back home to care for her. _____________________________________________ Hey Fawn, About an hour after I sent the message Mom had a setback. … [Read more…]

Condolences / Expressions of Thanks

Caesar Johnson’s sister passed on Monday, June 17th. Caesar and Maribel drove to Texas on Wednesday to be with his family and they returned on Sunday. Caesar and Maribel wish to express their thanks for all the prayers.

Prayers of Comfort Requested

My mother’s final breathe was taken yesterday at 4:14. She was a disciple of Jesus and pressed the importance of His life upon her children. My mother is now gathered upon her people resting in Abraham’s bosom which is paradise worshiping the Lord at His feet. Thank you for your prayers and genuine concern for … [Read more…]

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Carmon Hills father – Gary Garrett who has to have surgery this week. Please pray for Camille Feanny’s Mother – Patsy Feanny who is recovering from surgery. Please keep all of the families in our prayers. Thank you, Shelly _________________________________________ Please pray for Caesar Johnson and family. His sister, Dorothy, who lives … [Read more…]

Prayers | Rankin & Family

Hello brothers and sisters, I was informed Tuesday evening that my uncle (my mother’s brother-in-law) passed away during the weekend. I will be leaving tomorrow to attend the funeral in Mississippi on Saturday and I will be returning on Sunday therefore I will not be present at church this Sunday. Unfortunately Josephine will not be … [Read more…]

Prayers Needed

Cynthia Waller’s dear aunt, Bessie Buffington, passed on Monday in Detroit after losing her battle with cancer. Cynthia was already there with her cousin, Donna, Aunt Bessie’s daughter. Prayers for their family and friends as they mourn her passing. Donna is taking it very hard–she’s an only child. Prayers for strength–Cynthia and Donna are exhausted … [Read more…]

Urgent Prayer Request

Hi fawn this is kwana, please let people know that my mother has breast cancer and that it is malignant. she is going to have surgery but as you know this is a process for her and me and my older brother so this is just the beginning for all of us. Pray that God … [Read more…]

Please Pray

Hi fawn this is kwana, please let people know that my mother has breast cancer and that it is malignant. she is going to have surgery but as you know this is a process for her and me and my older brother so this is just the beginning for all of us. Pray that God … [Read more…]

Prayer Requests

I just wanted to email you prayer warriors to request some support for Joy Barnes. Joy’s Mom is in critical condition and unresponsive in the hospital in Arizona. Please pray for God to work miracles, to cover Joy’s Mom, comfort Joy and her family and get them through this crucial time. Joy is catching a … [Read more…]