Good News Update! Please keep Alissia Needhim In Your Prayers

[10.17.17] Update: Ms. Norma says thank you so much for all the prayers. Alissia is doing much better. Thanks, Crystal Consonery ——————— [10.6.17] Please keep Alissia Needhim in your prayers. She is the daughter of Ms. Norma Needhim and has been battling with issues of both her blood pressure and pulse rate dropping and remaining … [Read more…]

Good News Update! Continue Prayer for Carolyn Owens Husband

Joseph is doing much better. He is taking meds and everything seems to be going much better for him. Carolyn actually told me later on that it wasn’t his heart but he has other health issues. They are in need of prayer for him to follow doctor’s orders and to continue to get well. Thank … [Read more…]

Good News Update! – Prayers for Mark Hicks

Mark Hicks is much better. He was at our Bridge Group meeting on Friday. He even baked us a Pound Cake and a Sweet Potato Pie. That was so delicious. Eileen London —————————— Prayers are needed for Mark Hicks. He had a Seizure on Wednesday. Eileen London

Update: Please Pray For Eileen’s Nephew – Bernard Has Cancer

Eileen’s nephew Bernard is still getting Chemotherapy treatments. At this time his white blood count is too low to get chemo. Please pray for his white blood count to get better today so he can get his Chemo treatment. Eileen London ——————————- My nephew Bernard has Cancer and is currently getting his second Chemotherapy treatment today. Please … [Read more…]