C4HG GROUP BIO: We are the group that the Lord hath made. C.4.H.G. Changed For His Glory. We also like to say explosive Holy Ghost, Ha ha, without His presence our voice is but a whimper. Those who make up the group are Jake phelps, Roger Kiesler, and James Thweatt. We are from different cities in Georgia, Hampton, Morrow, and Jonesboro south a.k.a zone three. From different walks but serving the same darkness we were called by the Lord Almighty, and delivered from drugs, women, depression, anxiety, and various other evils, we proudly proclaim Victory through Jesus Christ who is our strength and savior. We hope to spread the gospel through music, enticing the ear to adhere to God's Word !!!
SONG: Our first recording,"Change " explains how the new creation must transform and the renewing of his mind and ways are of most importance to move on and continue learning from the Holy Sprit.
I heard a message about Jesus saying the kingdom belongs to such as these, speaking of the children and how He was angry when they tried to hinder them from coming to Him, so that explains the spirit moving in our families - trying to reach the next generation. I believe we met for a reason and we gotta walk this out.
We thank Him in advance for all the great things the Lord is going to put into all of our hands. Keeping our eye's ahead and on Him we are fit to plow and sow. Obedience. Yes sir!
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