Update: Finally, surgery scheduled for 4 pm on next Thurs. Nov. 19th. Yeah! No more Chemo!! Praise God!!! Lillian Robinson
Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. Hopefully, I will know tomorrow if I need any more chemo treatments once I see my breast surgeon who will make that decision and schedule the surgery which is the next step. Truly, your prayers have kept me strong and enabled me to go through this second bout of cancer. God is Good and I am truly thankful for all of your prayers.
Please pray for Lillian. Her neighbor just dropped her off at Urgent Care, she’s been in excruciating pain since last night.
Today’s her birthday (both birth and spiritual).
Thank you, Octavia Everett
“This is a recurring episode of breast cancer from 2007. I realize it is the enemy’s scheme to derail my faith, but I must believe and know God is BIGGER THAN CANCER. My responsibility is to respond with faith in God and pray for courage and strength. Fear wants to creep in, but I recall what the Word says about fear and meditate on it. The prayers of brothers and sisters in the church supported me in the prior episode and I humbly ask for their prayers for the present situation.”
His Humble Servant, Lillian Robinson
“We love because He first loved us.” I John 4:19
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We are praying for you Ms.Lillian. Our God is an awesome God. MT